
Tech Tips, a newsletter designed to offer simple technology tips and resources to schools and businesses. You are invited to contribute resources and ideas every month to help all of us in the Four Corners region to broaden our ability to use technology for learning and communication.

Our first issue is linked below for your reading and learning pleasure. Monthly isses will be added as they are published.


October 2013: Personal Learning Networks, and more.

September 2013: Workplace resources, and more.

August 2013: Power Point: So Misunderstood, Computer tricks and more.

July 2013: Self-directed learning, free resources, and more.

May-June 2013: Measuring sites, free resources, and more.

April 2013: Samoan visit, comics, and cartooning in learning.

February 2013: Changing views on assessment and study skills, and math resources.

January 2013: The Flipped Classroom, and related tools and resources.


November-December 2012: Resources for developing readers and writers, Microsoft in education, and more.

September-October 2012: New or expanding learning resources, dealing with stress, and more.

August 2012: Dealing with test anxiety, retraining the brain and more.

July 2012: Get Ready for GED 2012, Money Management, and other resources

May-June 2012: Let Them Teach Themselves, Excel, and other resources

March-April 2012: Learning Stations and workplace resources.

February 2012: Science and social studies resources.


December 2011: Vocabulary building resources.

November 2011: Mind Mapping and more.

October 2011: Goat setting and active verbs!

September 2011: Checklists and teacher resources.

January 2011 Issue: Google Apps and Advanced Search.


December 2010 Issue: assistive technologies, MS resources, browser and image use tips, Take Forty workshops, and brain teasers. Happy Holidays!